Rika Maja
A magnificent and magical dance and music performance for all ages.
28-30 July 2023
This year the event has grown into a cultural festival for the whole family and you are welcome to stay for more activities than the show, all included in the ticket that also can be bought at site in the entrance.

Trailer for the show
A cutural festival for the whole family

A beautiful day
Skájdde 2023 in Storforsen
The natures reserve in Storforsen is a beautiful place for not just a cultural festival. Here you find places to swim and play in the water, barbecue spots and open space for the family picknick.
Bring your own picknick or get some food from our food trucks close to the entrance.
Coffee and some sweet bread for the classical Swedish fika is also sold at the site. We also sell something to sit on if you need. There are no chairs in the park or in front of the stage.
When planning for your trip here, make sure you arrive before the time of the show to fully experience the whole area. The parking is in the forest close to the park, and you just have a 5 min walk down to the festival area. If you have a parking permit for handicap, just let the people at the parking entrance see it and you are granted access to the parking closer to the entrance.
In case of light rain, we will still go on as planned and if there is a passing heavy rain we might postpone the start of the show for a few minutes. Historically it's been extremely rare that a show did not play. Bring clothes for the weather of the day and lets hope for a sunny summer weekend!
Welcome to a wonderful weekend in nature!

About the show
Skájdde 2023
Join us on a journey in Sápmi and experience enchanting sami culture that is brought to life in a magical setting of Storforsen's unique environment.
In this summer's performance, we get to know the mythical Rika Maja who lived an exciting life about 150km from Storforsen in the 17th century. According to legend, she was from Mausjaur and had a sami hut and her reindeers at Akkanålke. With the story as a traveling people we can assume that Rika Maja was moving around in this area. She was a powerful woman who, according to legend, had supernatural powers and could control both weather and reindeer.
Take the whole family on a real adventure and an experience that will stay in your heart for a long time.
Skájdde is a production in the project Bidum Iedno, read more here

How to get here
Storforsen - Vidsel
By car
If you want to come here by car, you can get the directions here. Parking for private cars have a designated parking and the parking closest to the entrance is reserved for busses and handicapped only. Please look at the map below for directions.
Offer a ride or ask for a ride!
This year we offer a unique service to all our visitors. You can now offer a ride or ask for a ride in the app Coride. The easiest way to have a cheaper transport without having to care about how to arrange it, it's all done in this super easy app!
Get the app: Apple/iOS or Google/Android
If you offer a ride from somewhere in Norrbotten or Västerbotten you will get a free parking ticket for the event!
As an example:
You live in Skellefteå and plan to go to one of the shows wit a friend of yours. The cost of the trip is about 800kr if you calculate 25kr/10km. You have three more seats in your car and offer these in the app, Coride. After the trip you get half of the cost for the trip back because you split it with two others. Smart huh!
By bus
Except for the normal public bus transports, we also offer bus transport from all over Norrbotten and Västerbotten. Just pick a ticket with bus included and we will get back to you with info regarding pick up time and place in each city. Two weeks before the show we reduce the sales of bus tickets to cities on the coast and the closest area mostly and we then recommend the Coride app for other cities. Contact us for more help with transport if needed.
There are seats left in extra busses Saturday the 29th from the bus station in:
Umeå 7.00
Skellefteå 9.00
Piteå 10.15
Älvsbyn 11.15
Kiruna 7.30
Gällivare 9.15
Jokkmokk 10.30
Luleå 9.00
Just book the ticket with bus included and you have a seat on the bus.
By train
You can arrive by train from Umeå, Luleå or Stockholm to Älvsbyn and from there also get on one of our busses. Just pick the ticket with bus included and you have the trip there and back included.
For Vilda Kidz
For the people with a ticket from Vilda Kidz, we offer a seat in one of the busses for the saturday 1.00 pm show. Seats still in busses from Umeå, Skellefteå, Jokkmokk, Piteå, Luleå and Älvsbyn.
Send your request to jimmy@invisiblepeople.se with the number of people that will travel.
If you need ackommodation
Hotell Storforsen
Beautiful hotell in direct connection to the show area, you just take a 10 min walk from the hotel to the show. Sauna, pool, restaurant and bar.
Phone: 0929-721 00
Email: info@storforsen.se
Nyfors konferens & Camping
26 rooms at the camping site in Älvsbyn that has separate cabins for those that want to have their own place. Also with a spa area that includes sauna and pool.
Phone: 0911-666 62
Mobile: 070-335 82 96
E-mail: info@nyforscamping.se
Selholmens Camping
Next to the river you find the camping called Selholmen with service building, kiosk, barbecue areas, swimming area and exercise loops.
076-8892039 – Office
070-7597441 – English
073-0434166 – Swedish
Älvsbyns Folkhögskola
The course grounds at Älvsby Folk High School are located in the charming Sjulnäsgården, Ugglan and Svalan. Here you stay in a single or double room with a toilet in the room and a shower in the corridor. You have the opportunity to cook in the shared kitchen.
Monday-Thursday 08.00-15.00
Friday: 08.00-14.00, call 0929-723 00
or email info@afhs.nu
Other times call 0929-105 40

About Rika Maja
Rika Maja's Sami hut
There is a lot of talk about Sami Rika Maja and legend says that she had magical powers. Visit the place where, according to legend, Rika Maja had her hut and her reindeer at Akkanålke.
Akkanålke is closely connected with the story of Rika Maja in Mausjaur. She was born in 1661 and died at the age of 96 in 1757. Although outwardly Christian, she was a follower of her fathers' pre-Christian Sami religion throughout her life. The Sami had a religious contact with nature and did not worship only gods as in other parts of the world.
Pasture land for her reindeer was the areas around Stenträsket and Akkanålke. In the evenings, she let her reindeer out of the enclosure. In the morning she played the fortune-telling drum and knelt on the ground with a sacrificial veil of reindeer skin over her face. Then the whole reindeer herd gathered.
When her servants collected the reindeer for deer slaughter in the autumn, she asked them to make a special "gill" - storage stand - in the place where most of the reindeer were found. There they would hang the meat from a couple of slaughtered reindeer so that, as she said, all the birds of the sky would be fed.
Rika Maja was, according to legend, rather vain. It is said that when she went to church in the summer on the obligatory mood weekends, you could see her striding along in the hot sun still wearing up to five kaptehs - colts - at once. The innermost one was then always the longest and the outermost the shortest so that everyone would see how rich and beautiful she was.
She prayed and sacrificed to the mountain. When she grew old and blind, she mostly had to stay at home in Mausjaur and then one day she heard that Akkanålke was on fire. Rika Maja then allowed herself to be led out a bit into lake Mausjaur. Wearing a sacrificial veil, she struck the water three times with a brass rod while whistling. Then immediately came a fierce thunderstorm and Akkanålke was saved.
When Rika Maja felt that she no longer had so long to live, she asked to be buried at Akkanålke because she wanted to hear "gweppe lehsa ja velkenen bello" - the clicking of the reindeer's hooves and the bell of the white bell reindeer. She warned of what could happen if this was not done according to her will. Despite that, her wish was not fulfilled and she was buried in the cemetery in Arvidsjaur. It is said that when they buried her, her reindeer became restless. They no longer found comfort around Stenträsket and Akkanålke, but spread across the country at great speed. They tried in vain to catch up with the herd. It drifted further and further down towards the coast. But even then the herd did not stop, but continued out onto the ice. Without halting their course, almost the entire herd plunged into the open sea wake.
Source Arvidsjaur Municipality
Map of the area


Dance walk
An interactive performance in the park
As part of the experience at Storforsen, you can take a walk and find qr codes with links to films and poetry. The films are recorded at the location on the map and can be experienced interactively at each location. Scan the qr code with the camera on your mobile to get to the movie.
Spoken word-poetry
In Raimos Bar, close to the hotel
Spoken word-poetry be professional poets from Sápmi/Norrbotten will perform at Raimos Bar close to the hotel during the weekend 28-30th of July.
Friday 20.00 - 21.30 Poetry in the borderland
Saturday 20.00 - 21.30 Master Poetry-Slam
The poetry will be live-streamed for all those that cannot attend the VIP-show live. We only release 50 tickets per night live and offer everyone else livestreaming due to limitations of space at Raimos Bar.
Remember to choose the ticket called VIP Poetry. Only available for adults.

Kids Theatre
A live theatre at the entrance
As a special treat to our younger audience we arrange a special theatre in the same theme as the show Skájdde. You find this activity by the fire close to the stage.

Story walk
For the kids in the forest
In the forest close to the stage the smaller ones will get a chance to experience a short story telling show.
Help the Nåjd to find his white reindeer.

Art exhibition
The exhibition Skájdde by Silversmak is placed by the forest walk down to the stage area and is inspired by the fire and energy of the performing dancers.
The exhibition is open all weekend and all paintings are for sale.
Program for the weekend
16.00 - 17.30 Story walk
17.15 - 17.55 Kids theatre
18.00 - 19.30 Skájdde
19.40 - 20.00 Kids theatre
20.00 - 21.30 Poetry
11.00 - 12.30 Story walk
12.15 - 12.55 Kids theatre
13.00 - 14.30 Skájdde
14.40 - 15.00 Kids theatre
16.00 - 17.30 Story walk
17.15 - 17.55 Kids theatre
18.00 - 19.30 Skájdde
19.40 - 20.00 Kids theatre
20.00 - 21.30 Poetry
13.00 - 14.30 Story walk
14.15 - 14.55 Kids theatre
15.00 - 16.30 Skájdde
16.40 - 17.00 Kids theatre
We are proud to work with the following financers & cooperations
Kulturrådet, Nationella minoriteter & Dans
Älvsbyns Kommun
Sparbanken Nord, Framtidsbanken
Region Norrbotten, Kultur & Danskonsulenten
Längmanska Företagsfonden
Danscentrum Norr
Danskonsulenten i Norrbotten
Riksteatern Norrbotten
Storforsen Hotell
Dans i Nord
Stiftelsen Greta
Arctic Indigenous Found
Storforsens Ideella Kulturförening